南方朔曾在其文〈頹廢,以及髒話〉引用Herbert Marcuse之言:「髒話是弱者對自己的憤怒。」其實這句話不是Marcuse說的,而是麻省理工學院語言學教授Avram Noam Chomsky發表於〈Of US involvement in the war in Vietnam〉的談話,原文意思是:髒話是「包括我們所有人在內」的不幸弱者,因無窮憤怒而不斷渲洩的慣行。
看一下 Noam Chomsky 在"Of US involvement in the war in Vietnam"中的原文:
"The war is simply an obscenity, a depraved act by weak and miserable men, including all of us who have allowed it to go on and on with endless fury and destruction - all of us who would have remained silent had stability and order been secured."很想知道這段話如何能被翻譯成:
後來看了 西區老二的部落格 就恍然大悟,原來在引用摘要中就直接少摘了頭三個字,變成:
"An obscenity, a depraved act by weak and miserable men, including all of us, who have allowed it to go on and on with endless fury."引用時少摘幾個字,一段本來在討論越戰的話語變成在替髒話辯護,只能真心讚嘆語言的奧妙以及作者的強大了!
回覆刪除很抱歉受到某些節錄版本的誤導,重新閱讀原文後,發現一個有趣的事實,在與William F. Buckley Jr.的對談中,Noam Chomsky本人對這段話下的註解是:
These people would not be able to operate were it not for this apathy and equanimity, and therefore I think that it’s in some sense the sane and reasonable and tolerant people who should—who share a very serious burden of guilt that they very easily throw on the shoulders of others who seem more extreme and more violent.
倘若如此,當我們把髒話視為一種guilt,或將原文翻成:戰爭只不過是一句髒話,甚至可以倒過來說:An obscenity is simply the war...而足以造成人人喊打推卸責任的局面,不也可作如是觀嗎?